Are you a Millennial Caregiver? Learn more about caregiving and the resources that may be available to you.
Who is the California Family Caregiver?
Learn more about the California population of family caregivers who are supporting our rapidly growing senior population.
What is Home Care? Guide to Caregiving for Adults at Home.
Click here to learn about the three types of adult home care and the benefits it offers for your aging or ailing loved one.
Read More about What is Home Care? Guide to Caregiving for Adults at Home. >
Burnt out on caregiving? Exhaustion, stress, depression are all understandable – an estimated 40% of caregivers report feeling overwhelmed with the non-stop nature of being a caregiver.
Can I get paid to care for a family member?
Taking on a caregiving role is a full time job. Unfortunately, there isn’t a guaranteed paycheck for caregivers, however, there are several ways caregiving families may obtain financial relief for specific purposes, such as for respite care or to purchase goods and services and – in some cases – pay for caregiving.
Read More about Can I get paid to care for a family member? >
First Steps for Family Caregivers
Working as a caregiver for an elderly or disabled family member is often new territory for many caregivers. Your local Caregiver Resource Center is here for you: you are not alone.
Caregiving often creeps up on you. Gradually, you are doing more and more. At some point, you realize you have made a commitment to take care of someone else.
Social Distancing while Caregiving
As caregivers we love working with our loved ones to encourage positive engagement in the outside world. Time in the sunlight and fresh air is revitalizing to us all, especially to patients that often spend most, if not all, of their time confined indoors.
Self-Care while Staying at Home
While Coronavirus keeps us from our normal routines, learn important self-care techniques to practice during this time.
Assistive Technology in a Digital Age
These technologies range from mobility products and medication aids to vehicle modifications and tools for monitoring potential crises.