Preventing Burnout & Compassion Fatigue
Livestream: what is caregiver burnout? What is compassion fatigue? And how can prevent them from happening to you? Let’s discuss.
Preventing Burnout & Compassion Fatigue
Livestream: what is caregiver burnout? What is compassion fatigue? And how can prevent them from happening to you? Let’s discuss.
Dementia: Symptoms, Behaviors & Challenges
In an informative livestream, the Del Mar Caregiver Resource Center discusses dementia and the symptoms, behaviors, and challenges it presents.
Read More about Dementia: Symptoms, Behaviors & Challenges >
Calming Ideas to Use with Your Loved Ones
As a caregiver, you and your loved ones are under regular stress. In this article, we’ll discuss what problems stress can cause and how to find a feeling of calm.
Men’s health awareness month has recently passed, but the topic is one worth discussing year-round. Here is why: 50% of premature male deaths in the US are preventable. In addition, “men in the United States, on average, die 5 years earlier than women and die at higher rates from the three leading causes of death, […]
LGBTQ+ caregivers report discrimination and other challenges in providing care. Click here to learn about how we can better serve these caregivers.
Caregiver Spotlight: Elizabeth
Elizabeth Miller shares the motivation around why she created Happy Healthy Caregiver, advice for family caregivers, and her experiences of wearing the hats of a wife, mom, and primary caregiver while at the peak of her career.
New to Caregiving? Here’s What You Should Do Next
Becoming a caregiver is often overwhelming. If you’re not sure where to start, here’s our suggestion for what you should do next.
Read More about New to Caregiving? Here’s What You Should Do Next >
Modern Day Caregivers: The Importance of Caring for Those Who Care
Click here to learn more about caregiver stress and what tools and resources for self-care are available to you throughout your caregiving journey.
Read More about Modern Day Caregivers: The Importance of Caring for Those Who Care >
How Systemic Racism and a Global Pandemic Impacts Caregivers of Color
It’s important to understand the BIPOC experience as it relates to family caregiving. In a recent panel, African-American family caregivers discussed their experiences.
Read More about How Systemic Racism and a Global Pandemic Impacts Caregivers of Color >
6 Options: Transportation for the Elderly
What options are there to help your elderly loved one with transport? Here are 6 options for transportation for the elderly in California.